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Be Your Own Best Friend by Wims Williams

 'You will make a lousy anybody else, but you are the best "you" in existence'.
In this self help and motivational book Wims Williams revealeds astonishing answers to unspoken questions.


Be Your Own Best Friend II by Wims Williams

  'You will make a lousy anybody else, but you are the best "you" in existence'.
In this self help and motivational book Wims Williams revealeds astonishing answers to unspoken questions.

THE DIC-TALE  by Wims Williams & Rodney Rogers



The Dic-Tale is brand new projects of Wims Williams & Rodney Rogers from the UK, giving back to kids the genius package of kids dictionary in union with great tales suitable for class room and bedtime and occasions and activity with letter rhyming chants and poems.

It's a must have for every kid, schools, libraries and families....


Tofu's World Trip by Wims Williams & Rodney Rogers

Tofu's World Trip is the Pairs latest work ingeniously educating and informing kids in the most fun-full package ever.

Tofu is the Chinese prince that ended up embarking on an unplanned world trip, exploring world's rich culture, people and making great friends around the world.

It's the world's greatest animation adventure so's a must read.......



One of the great challenges in life, and indeed in business in general, is keeping yourself motivated. I’ve learned over the years that many top successful people use motivation to keep themselves in the right attitude for success.

In this Book I majors in revealing the greatness within you which you have ignorant of all these while.......





THE HERO IN YOU by Wims Williams


One of the great challenges in selling, and indeed in business in general, is keeping yourself motivated. I’ve learned over the years that many top performers use motivational books and tapes to keep themselves in the right attitude for success.

However, I believe that motivational videos are even more effective because they communicate through both your eyes and your ears. Here are the 10 best motivational videos of all time, in my opinion. Nine are serious; one is funny. Watch all 10 and I guarantee that you’ll be massively more motivated to succeed than you were before you started

KICKING LIFE'S ASS!   by Mike Fook

This new book – Kicking Life’s Ass! will be in the self-help and motivational categories at Amazon’s Kindle store. There is a lot more competition there than in smaller niches.

Anybody write a new book in a big category – and just start killing it?

I think this is the reason my “Kicking Smoking’s Ass!” and “Kicking Fat’s Ass!” books aren’t doing well in sales at Amazon. They are lost among the competition.






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